DE MAN - WERKENDAM Producer of the HARTBERGER coin holders
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Coin album

Coin album needed?

As a coin collector, you naturally want to store your coins neatly and safely in a nice coin album! At HARTBERGER.COM you will find the most beautiful coin albums for your collection. In our wide range, you will find coin albums of well-known brands such as Hartberger and Lindner. The albums come in various types and sizes and in our clear web shop you can make your choice at your leisure. In our web shop, you will find everything for the collector. We have a large selection of coin albums, stamp albums, preprint albums, system albums, insert books, coin boxes, cases, catalogues and supplies for coins, stamps, banknotes, postcards, stocks, tokens, PTT folders, FDC envelopes, EBD sheets, etc. A beautiful coin collection deserves a nice coin album so you can enjoy it even more. The world of coins is a fascinating world in which you can lose yourself completely. A coin gives an insight into history and the more you know about it, the more the coin has to say to you. You will therefore be interested in our coin catalogues with detailed information that will make any collector's heart beat faster.

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10 Items
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Special Price € 37.50 Regular Price € 43.70
€ 182.50
€ 145.00
€ 75.00
Special Price € 69.95 Regular Price € 83.00
Special Price € 31.50 Regular Price € 37.25
€ 15.95
€ 4.75
€ 120.00
Special Price € 33.95 Regular Price € 38.95

Quickly order coin album online

Is the best not good enough for your coin collection? Would you like to store your coins in a beautiful coin album? DE MAN - WERKENDAM ( offers you a wide range of high-quality coin albums. You have a wide choice of different types, sizes and colours. De Man - Werkendam ( is the producer of the brands Hartberger, Eurosystem, Mandor and Union. We also import the brands Lindner, Kobra and Philex and we are supplier of several other brands. You will find everything you need for your collecting hobby: albums, coin albums, stamp albums, preprint albums, system albums, inserts, coin boxes, cases, supplies and various catalogues. Look around our webshop at your leisure and choose the coin album that suits you. We understand that as a coin collector, you treat your coins with care and only the best is good enough. Store your coins in an airtight coin holder, which in turn is stored in an insert sleeve in your coin album. This way, your coins are well protected and can be enjoyed without the risk of damage. The world of collectors is a special world in which we have been involved for many years. You naturally want to share the euphoria when you can add a special coin to your collection with other collectors. With the beautiful storage systems, you can proudly show off your collection.

Hartberger coin gloves
The latest news from Hartberger albums for collectors
Hartberger albums for coins, banknotes, stamps and postcards

Buy your coin album online

HARTBERGER.COM offers a wide range of products of interest to collectors. We draw your attention to our Nimbus object windows that allow you to picture a special coin in a whole new way. Feel free to look around our webshop and place your products in the shopping basket. For collectors of stamps, coins, banknotes, postcards, stocks, medals, PTT folders, FDC envelopes,EBD sheets etc., HARTBERGER.COM is a true Eldorado. We have almost all products in stock so you can count on your coin album being delivered to you quickly. If your order is larger than 50 euros, we will ship it for free.

Mint album from HARTBERGER.COM

If you have any questions about your coin album you can always contact us. With our years of experience, you can expect expert advice from us. DE MAN - WERKENDAM ( started wholesaling stamps as early as 1942 and in the years since then our range has steadily expanded. Part of the collection (coin holders, bands and sheets) is produced by ourselves. Our aim is to support you as best we can in pursuing your hobby. Enjoy your collection even more with our products!

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